There is so much talk about Sustainability in Fashion these days. It could make your head spin. As consumers we now expect the big guys like H&M, Zara, etc to just be sustainable without any effect to pricing structures and availability. But what is the reality. Let’s face it, if they are making thousands of garments, there is no way they can achieve what you expect.
Even much smaller companies or brands can’t effectively be 100% sustainable. Even Steel Pony, which is our small brand struggles with this. So many things to consider...
Fabric: Can we only use fabrics made in the USA? I guess that is possible but then we could not work with our cotton gauze, linens and the newest fabric we love, cotton mesh. Since they come from China, I do not consider them sustainable past the natural fiber aspect.
Waste: until recently, we struggled with this. I have been using my outcuts as much as I can to create One of a Kind pieces but what about the rest of it? Our new initiative called Almost Zero is addressing this issue. You will hear more about that as it unfolds.
Then we could get into the nitty gritty of the fibers as to what is sustainable. As I got further down the rabbit hole, I learned that bamboo is sustainable as far as it is a quick growing plant but the process to make it into yarn is really bad for the environment. Recycled plastic has similar problems. I could go on.
The reality is we can only strive for perfection. And then, maybe someday we can achieve it.
Do you consider yourself to be sustainable? Please tell us your story. Every step towards sustainability is a good one. Please share.