4 Steps to the Perfect Spa Day - Steel Pony

4 Steps to the Perfect Spa Day


4 Steps to the Perfect Home Spa Day


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As Covid dwindles and we are allowed to venture out, you may still not be ready to go into a spa .

As much as we want to get out into the world again, it still might be a bit too early to venture into any type of spa. For many people, this past year has been quite stressful and more then ever we need the spa to help destress. So, I thought a DIY spa sounded like just the right thing for today. Plus, Summer is coming and we want to be our best selves.

Here are 4 steps to get that spa day going


1)Set the Mood

Sound and smell are the most important things to consider here. Pull out those headphones and find music that fits the mood for the day. Maybe you have a playlist you particularly like...................

Now pull out those scented candles or the infuser with Lavender. Lavender is the perfect scent. It promotes calmness and wellness.It's also said to help reduce stress, anxiety, and possibly even mild pain.


2) Don't forget the amenities

Grab your fluffiest Towels, Comfy slippers and your favorite Rode. Remember to recreate the feel you need to think comfort.

One of my favorite parts of the spa is the Spa Water. It is so easy to make them at home. All you need is a pitcher and the fruits. Maybe you want a citrus so take Lemons and Cucumbers. Cut them up and put them into the pitcher. Leave it in the fridge overnight. That is it!

Find more recipes here.



3) Pick your Spa Treatments

So now that you have your music, your fragrance and you essentials, it is time to pick the treatments you want to indulge in. What is it that most relaxes you? Is it a Facial? How about a foot soak? Or maybe you love to soak in the tub with a glass of wine. Check out ideas here.




4) Pick a comfy outfit and settle in to read that book that has been sitting waiting for you.

Pull out your Steel Pony capris and favorite tunic. Get outside and enjoy that book.

What are your favorite Spa Treatments?







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Hi I am Joanne Litz Cofounder of Steel Pony.
I graduated in Textile Design from, the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science. Worked in the "Industry" as a design director before starting Steel Pony. A company focused on slow sustainable fashion over 30 years ago
I love Creative Fashion, Art, and Energy Healing. My mission is to help women find their inner goddess and shine from the inside out.