5 Ways to Celebrate National Smile Week - Steel Pony

5 Ways to Celebrate National Smile Week

"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight"  Phylis Diller
  1. Take a minute and make someone smile. Yes, even though we have masks on, we can tell if you are smiling.....You smile first, it is contagious.
  2. Make a list of things that make you smile and create posts for them.  Post one every day and ask people to share.
  3. Have a contest with yourself.  See how much more you can smile this week.  Set a goal and count.  Tell us your goal so you can be accountable.
  4. Smile at yourself in the mirror.  Practice makes perfect.  You know, smiling makes you more attractive.  Everyone looks their best and happiest when they are smiling.
  5. When you are happy your body pumps out all kinds of good endorphins.  There was a study that shows smiling, even if it is forced causes our bodies to produce physiological changes in a positive way.

So...Go On....Get Smiling

Show us your smile.  Post it on Instagram and tag us #steelponystyle

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Hi I am Joanne Litz Cofounder of Steel Pony.
I graduated in Textile Design from, the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science. Worked in the "Industry" as a design director before starting Steel Pony. A company focused on slow sustainable fashion over 30 years ago
I love Creative Fashion, Art, and Energy Healing. My mission is to help women find their inner goddess and shine from the inside out.