A few Spring Holiday Outfits for Ya...Steelponystyle - Steel Pony

A few Spring Holiday Outfits for Ya...Steelponystyle

Easter and Passover are just around the corner, it is time to get into your closet and see what you might need...correction want.  It might also be a good time to clean it out as well and make room for for your new outfits.  Isn't it always nice to get that fresh new outfit?  Easter and Passover are perfect excuses to do that.

Whether you are going to your Easter Parade or Passover dinner you want to look fabulous right?  Here are a few ideas to. help with that

Holiday outfitModal Outfit

Outfit #1 Chelsea Tunic on the Rack and Zen Skirt.

Outfit #2   Kimberly Tunic Dress with the Cameron tunic Dress

Ella Tunic

Outfit #3  Brianna Jacket, Paisley Tunic Tank and Zen Skirt

Outfit #4 Ella Tunic Jumper, Sam mesh Top and the Mila Lace Pant

Tie DyeWhite Outfit


Outfit #5 Willow Tie Dye (You have to request this one special), Cameron Tunic Dress and Zen Skirt

Outfit #6  Avery Modal Jacket, Elena Modal Tank with the Zoey Skirt

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Hi I am Joanne Litz Cofounder of Steel Pony.
I graduated in Textile Design from, the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science. Worked in the "Industry" as a design director before starting Steel Pony. A company focused on slow sustainable fashion over 30 years ago
I love Creative Fashion, Art, and Energy Healing. My mission is to help women find their inner goddess and shine from the inside out.