Eczema....a Journey - Steel Pony

Eczema....a Journey

I realize this post is a departure for me but in it's own way it does connect to Style and Fashion.  Some of you may know this about me already.  I have suffered from Eczema my whole life.  Well, since I was 3 but who remembers that far back.

My journey has been a long one and definitely influenced how I dressed to cover the rashes.  Once it hit my face, the only way to conceal that was heavy duty scar makeup or wearing a burka. As much as I like covering up,  that was a little too far for me.

I have tried everything along the way.  Dermatologists, allergists,  acupuncture, Chinese medicine and more.  My latest quest was to go on an elimination diet which to date has been pretty successful until a very stressful event happened in my life.  That brought it all back up to the surface and hit my face and neck really hard.

New Dawn SalveSo there I was back to the starting line.  I was at an event on Earth day next to a woman who grew herbs and Calendula Flowers.  She suggested I try her New Dawn salve  I was really skeptical and nothing else topically had ever worked for me but I figured I had tried everything else why not give it a shot.

I used it 2 times a day and on day 3 my skin was 95% clear.  So needless to say I want to shout it out to everyone.  I know many of you suffer as well, and although different things work for everyone, if I help even one person today find that this works for them I will be happy.

Elise Hanks started her business Terra Luna Herbals in 2012.  She sells to some stores and has a website.  I can't wait to hear you success stories so please share.  Go to today. I hope you find the same results.

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Hi Jane
I can so relate to your problems. I have also struggled for most of my life. Although it is different for everyone I found going on a strict elimination diet for 3 months helped my body to clean out. I believe it is our food and digestion which is the main problem. I found Abby at She has some books and a support group. It really helped me and then the New Dawn was really an unexpected find. I am mostly eczema free and now I can cheat with some foods but it was a game changer for me. Good luck.

Joanne Litz

I’m 33 and last year I suddenly got an eczema flare up.
Never had one before. My hands are the only part affected and it’s steadily getting worse.
Been several times to the doctors. Started with zero Dern and a low potent steroid. Then they gave me more powerful ones up to the most potent. Very little change. If anything it’s worse now. Also checked many healthcare websites some helped me like this guide
Last time I was given protonic to try and no luck. I’ve been strict with the application and even given myself a break for a few days. Nothing seems to work.
The doctor said I just have to live with it.
I find it hard to grip with my hands, using my fingers makes it sore.
Does anyone have any ideas? I’m struggling

Jane Woods

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Hi I am Joanne Litz Cofounder of Steel Pony.
I graduated in Textile Design from, the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science. Worked in the "Industry" as a design director before starting Steel Pony. A company focused on slow sustainable fashion over 30 years ago
I love Creative Fashion, Art, and Energy Healing. My mission is to help women find their inner goddess and shine from the inside out.