Keeping cool when it is hot out there is a challenge and it is not just about comfort. High temps can make us really sick . Heat cramps, skim=n rashes and dehydration are only a few issues so here are some tips to keep cool this summer.
Stay Hydrated
Combat dehydration by drinking plenty of water or even the sports drinks
When it's very hot, you can sweat away too much fluid, along with essential minerals like sodium and potassium. You may be thirsty and pee less than usual, and your mouth and tongue might feel dry. You could even feel dizzy, lightheaded, and confused. Head for a cool place and drink something balanced with salt and sugar (such as an oral rehydration solution). Serious cases need emergency care, including fluids you get through an IV.
Portable Fans
These can really be lifesavers. You can even get some that attach to water bottles. There are so many on the market and they range in price. I found a roundup if you want to take a look. Best FANS
Don't Eat Hot Foods
Instead of hot foods, try lighter summer fare including frequent small meals or snacks containing cold fruit or low fat dairy products. As an added benefit, you won't have to cook next to a hot stove.
Wear Loose Fitted Clothing
Not only should you wear loose clothing but it should be natural fiber like cotton and keep it light in color as well. I design my Summer collection with this in mind. You can see it here
Do you have some suggestions for us? Comment Below.