Sustainably Black - Steel Pony

Sustainably Black

I always thought that people who only wear black just do not want to think to hard about what they wear.  It makes it so much easier to get  dressed in the morning and if you only have black in your closet, you really don't need to many things so that makes black a pretty sustainable color.  It never goes out of style and since no one really notices your clothng you don't need much of it.

I decided however, to do a little research about it and here is what I found.

1. Women who wear all black lead very colorful lives. They tend to be driven and hard-working and balance out all the chaos in their sartorial choices.

2. According to a study, they’re perceived as more attractive, successful and confident. People who wear black are powerful – plain and simple, and they tend to command respect, too.

3. They have a “walk softly, carry a large stick” mentality. They’re unassuming. They do not need your approval, but they will make sure you recognize what they do and what kind of impact they have on others.

4. They value self-empowerment above all else. They are not the kind of people you want to complain to, their response will just be an example of how you could take back control of your life.

5. They care more about being themselves than buying into trends. They see every aspect of their lives as a potential avenue of self-expression, and they are never ones to just “follow the crowd” on anything.

6. They don’t care if you don’t like them. They do not act with the intention of winning over your praises, they’d rather be true to themselves.

The above came from the Thought Catalog

After doing the research I have a new  opinion but I still love color and feel that it is a way we show our creativity and style in addition to all the things listed above.

However, having said that I  created a Black Collection that I believe goes beyond the basic.  You can see it here


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1 comment

Throughout my career I always wore black. Now I know why. Thanks to Steel Pony, I am living a very colorful retirement!

Claire Dubin

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Hi I am Joanne Litz Cofounder of Steel Pony.
I graduated in Textile Design from, the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science. Worked in the "Industry" as a design director before starting Steel Pony. A company focused on slow sustainable fashion over 30 years ago
I love Creative Fashion, Art, and Energy Healing. My mission is to help women find their inner goddess and shine from the inside out.