Wearing White after Labor Day - Steel Pony

Wearing White after Labor Day

Wearing white in the hot months of the summer makes perfect sense.  It keeps you cooler then the Darker colors, especially Black.  But I wondered where the idea of not wearing white after labor day come from.  I did some digging and I was surprised to find that there is not a single historical reason.  There are however, many speculations about it.

white outfit

From a Readers Digest Article it states: "One popular theory dates back to the early 1900s. Many progressive changes were occurring for American women, like the election of the first woman to Congress and the passing of the 19th amendment. Despite these advances, social acceptance for wealthy women was based very much on what you wore—and when you wore it. If you were “on-trend,” you only wore white during the warmer months, since you could probably afford to wear leisurely lightweight clothing—and afford to buy new clothes if you sweat through them. By the 1950s, women’s magazines started making this “no white after Labor Day” ordinance a little more public, basically making the proclamation official. Wearing white only between Memorial Day and Labor Day now signified being part of some kind of wealthy club."

If you are reading this then you are already a Fashion Breaker.  Fashion Rules are silly.  Like if you are a New Yorker you only wear Black.  How sad for those who. think that way.   It really limits your choices.  

Labor Day is September 3rd.  I think we should all make a point of wearing all white to work on September 4th.  Who is with me?

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Hi I am Joanne Litz Cofounder of Steel Pony.
I graduated in Textile Design from, the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science. Worked in the "Industry" as a design director before starting Steel Pony. A company focused on slow sustainable fashion over 30 years ago
I love Creative Fashion, Art, and Energy Healing. My mission is to help women find their inner goddess and shine from the inside out.