Is Leather Sustainable? The truth bout Vegan Leather - Steel Pony

Is Leather Sustainable? The truth bout Vegan Leather

We hear a lot these days about vegan leather.  Many designers have switched to that from leather touting they are now sustainable because they use vegan leather.  Most vegan leather is made of petroleum products which is a major cause of climate change.  In addition, due to the nature of it as a fabric there is waste which ends up in the landfills.

Now let's take a look at leather.  Leather is a biproduct of food production.  I know we would all like to say we are vegitarians but we are not so with that comes the skins.  When tanned responsibly, Leather looks a lot more sustainable then Vegan Leather. Not only that, we tend to use all of the leather leading to a lot less waste.

Another upside to leather is it outlasts its vegan counterpart by decades.  You might buy a Vegan  bag and use it a few times,then toss it because it is not wearing well.  Leather only gets better with age.  It becomes that heirloom you pass down from generation to generation.

Want to buy a leather bag or shoes?  Buy from a handmade Artsian.  You can be sure they are taking everything into consideration.  Sustainability, Useability, and quality.  

Journey bag

Our Journey bags are the perfect combination of that.  Dennis works each one by hand.  Crafted with care.

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Hi I am Joanne Litz Cofounder of Steel Pony.
I graduated in Textile Design from, the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science. Worked in the "Industry" as a design director before starting Steel Pony. A company focused on slow sustainable fashion over 30 years ago
I love Creative Fashion, Art, and Energy Healing. My mission is to help women find their inner goddess and shine from the inside out.